[fmco soundbites] The org chart (part 8) – Becoming invisible

[17 June 2021] Day 17 of the fmco* in Malaysia

Some leaders want to build the organisation and community centred on them and their abilities. While others prefer to truly serve his people from behind. A few days ago, I wrote about the Lion Dance troupe. One of the major roles in the community is its invisible leader.

In most lion dance troupe, the sifu is the owner/founder/guru. Nobody knows more than him. He is respected by his students and by his peers. (cue Wong Fei Hong theme song) And yet, most times, he is not seen and does not seem to take up any role in the performance. People know his abilities through the work of his students. His presence is felt.

The sifu is the perfect example of what a servant leader is. He has earned his stripes. He has established the principles, values, and discipline expected of his students. He has equipped them and pass down the skills to them. He continues to provide what is necessary for their growth, while watching them from a safe distance. He will step in when they need help. He is sifu.

(Read the other parts of this org chart series.)

About the Author: Gina Phan is a consultant and trainer with Zinfinity Consulting. She currently conducts courses in workplace performance skills. Click here to contact her, follow her on Facebook or connect with her on Linkedin.

Read her other posts.

#leadership #organisationchart #servantleadership #invisibleleader
#trainergina #ginaphan #gp

(Feature Image by nangreenly from Pixabay)

*fmco stands for Full Movement Control Order.

2 thoughts on “[fmco soundbites] The org chart (part 8) – Becoming invisible

  1. My take on leaders and managers,

    Great sharing Gina.
    May I share on the distinct difference between leaders and managers is leaders lead while managers get things done through people.
    Based on this distinct difference,
    (1) Leaders who lead cannot avoid being invisible to others who can see the team performing because technically, they are leading (in front) of the team.
    (2) On the other hand, managers can be invisible to those who see the team performing because they do not lead.

    On the other hand, how can a team with a leader be invisible to others? Perhaps, the more appropriate name for the ‘invisible leader; is ‘manager’!

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