I was watching a show on TV last week.
The CEO walked in and announced to everyone (I paraphrase): Continue reading
I was watching a show on TV last week.
The CEO walked in and announced to everyone (I paraphrase): Continue reading
Image by Free-Photos on Pixabay
Essential Life Skill at Work
Training Date : 21 & 22 March 2019 (Thu & Fri), 9AM – 5PM
Training Venue : Empire Hotel, Subang Jaya, Selangor
Principal Trainer : Gina Phan, IPMA (UK), HRDF-approved trainer (Cert No. 4413)
(Image Credit: John Hain)
(License: CC0)
“I can’t believe this!” often exclaimed by many when something unexpected unfolding in your life. “Why is this happening to me?”, “What did I do to deserve this?”, or even “Oh, My God!” moments were always there without you realising. It is spontaneous, agitated, frustrated, unexpected, disbelieving when something bad happened to us.
Sounds familiar?
Believe it or not, call it “The Law of Attraction”! It has got thousands of reasons linking to your belief system.
Your belief system is a system or a program that you have downloaded into your head when you were younger and it becomes part of how you operate in life. It is our foundation of life. Your life experiences will further confirm those beliefs and keep you in your comfort zone. For example, if your parents told you wen you were young that making money is hard, unconsciously even you put in effort, you will confirm and believe that making money is really hard. Aha! Self-fulling prophecy! Similarly, if you are person who is very beautiful, you think finding someone who loves such a beautiful person like yourself is very high maintenance, and you will never find true love. Guess what? You will never do, because you have already set that in your programming system, i.e. your brain/ mind that pathetic message.
Just like a GPS, once you have set the course, let say from Mid Valley to shopping mall to KLCC Petronas Twin Towers, you will get to KLCC no matter what by diligently following that set GPS, and you will not end up in Kuala Lumpur Police Headquarters.
What and how you choose determines your outcome.
That is why you will notice, when you choose to hang out with people who are positively driven, even though you are not one, eventually you will draw to that positive energy. Similarly, if you are always attracted to gossips about others, you tend to be sucked into a whirlpool of negative influences, even without you realising. The choice you made today determines your future.
Believe this is for your own good.
You can change your future, if you decide to make a change. You have a choice! Make a shift of your old limited beliefs. People will judge you, people will leave you, people will do all sorts of things to make you stay where you are. I mean those negative influenced people. Negative people dislike change. Because change disrupts the flow, and people do not what that. They want predictability. Positive people, on the other hand, operate differently. They like challenges, they support, they cheer, they cherish, they will do whatever it takes to make sure you are on the path of self-enrichment and become your better self. They want what’s best for you! They celebrate life!
If you believe your life is going to be better, will you stay put yourself back into your old belief of “why bad things always happen only to me”?
Believe me, believe in yourself. The journey will be rough, but hey, a rough carbon stone can be polished into a sparkling diamond. If you believe you are just a worthless stone, how can you see yourself as a shining diamond in-the-making?
Believe that new belief of yours. Change that old malfunctioned program or applications of yours. Get an upgrade! It is never too late to elevate your life and rise above. Do not wait till you are drown in your own misery dying for fresh air.
After all, who can become the better version of yourself, if it is not you?
About the author: Shin Yeen Tan is a trainer, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, Qi healer, property consultant and airbnb host. Contact her by e-mail: shiny@zinfinity.com.my
This article was originally posted on Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-cant-believe-shin-yeen-tan/)
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