WOTW #20 homogeneous

The letter ‘H’ brings you this adjective:


The word is used to describe something that is composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind or nature.

It can be applied to things, persons, or places which have similar characteristics.

The opposite would be ‘heterogeneous’.

Example sentences:

  1. Although our neighborhood was once quite homogenous in its ethnic breakdown, today it is populated by people from all over the world.
  2. Many policies that were introduced to help women fail because they tend to treat women as a homogeneuos group.
  3. The teacher knew Benny copied from his friend because she received two homogenous essays on the subject of water pollution.
  4. If our country is to defeat poverty, we must work together as one homogenous people striving to remove barriers to opportunities.
  5. I mix all the ingredients into a large bowl until it becomes a homogenous dough that is ready for the oven.


Sometimes, the word is confused with ‘homogenous‘ (spelled without the e). Homogenous is used to describe biological or genetic similarity. It’s an obsolete word and is not used anymore.

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