[23 June 2021] Day 23 of the fmco* in Malaysia
Today, I share my happiness and joy in receiving this Thank You card from a course I delivered last month. It was totally unexpected. And after a long busy day, it was certainly cherry on the cake for me.

I am so touched and absolutely humbled by them. I cannot thank them enough for this. I don’t think they know how much this means to me.
Showing appreciation
This is a good reminder for me that showing appreciation and gratitude goes a long way. I need to do it more often. When I show appreciation, I find that it improves my life and my output :
- My mindset changes. I become a more positive person and I start to see what is going on right in my life.
- My mood improves. Definitely. And this helps in all my relationships. Who likes to be around a grouch?
- I become more creative. First. I try to find ways to show my appreciation in more creative ways. Then this somehow flows into other areas and I become more innovative.
- There’s more trust in your relationships. Yes, that’s that word again — Trust. According to Paul J. Zak, professor at Claremont Graduate University, “The neuroscience shows that recognition has the largest effect on trust when it occurs immediately after a goal has been met, when it comes from peers, and when it’s tangible, unexpected, personal, and public.”
Try it. The next time you need to ask a co-worker or a friend to do something, start by showing appreciation before making the request. It works also in emails.
(Feature Image by Ka Young Seo from Pixabay)
*fmco = Full Movement Control Order
About the Author: Gina Phan is a consultant and trainer with Zinfinity Consulting. She currently conducts courses in workplace performance skills. Click here to contact her, follow her on Facebook or connect with her on Linkedin.
#appreciation #happiness #joy #reward
#trainergina #ginaphan #gp
Great sharing Gina.
Thanks, Happy-Thomas.
When I received the card, I was so happy.