[24 June 2021] 24th day of the fmco* in Malaysia
Earlier this week, I ran a 2-day workshop which covered a total of 8 modules. I always start my workshop by telling participants that I don’t profess to know everything. They can disagree with me but tell me why. We are all learning from each other.
Sometime in the second day, one of the participants said she disagreed with something I said. I subsequently listened to her input. And she shared a link with the class which shows that there are some situations in which what I said does not apply. I am glad she did that. This way, I have learned something new and can carry this wisdom forward to others.
Leadership and being teachable
When I apply this to attributes of a servant leader in org chart series, I can see that ‘teachability’ is very important for leader. If a leader has a fixed mindset, he/she will not learn and grow. There will be growth spurts in the beginning but then a plateau happens. Leaders need to be open to opposing views so that they are able to see more and wider. This helps in being able to make good and balanced decisions.
Who did I learn this from? I learned this from one of my school teachers in a similar situation. When shown that something should be done another way, she apologised and corrected herself in front of the class. What a good leadership example I witnessed as an 11-year-old child.

Be teachable. You never know what you will learn. Your mind is like an umbrella. It only works when it is open.
(Read the other parts of this org chart series.)
*fmco stands for Full Movement Control Order.
About the Author: Gina Phan is a consultant and trainer with Zinfinity Consulting. She currently conducts courses in workplace performance skills. Click here to contact her, follow her on Facebook or connect with her on Linkedin.
#leadership #organisationchart #servantleadership #teachability #teachable
#trainergina #ginaphan #gp
(Feature Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay)
(Image by Pexels from Pixabay)
A 2-way communication is always healthy .
A leader who doesn’t come in with a fixed mindset and participants/subordinates who are not afraid to voice out.
Leadership is one word that is not often associated with another word….humility?
Not sure if humility is the right word to use but to me, it is.
Absolutely agree with you. Humility is the right word.
Servant leadership encompasses all these progressive attributes. It focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which the leaders belong.
Thanks for your input, Alie.
Great sharing Gina 🙂
Thanks, Happy-Thomas.