Do this and close more sales

Picture of a customer signing agreement

The best sales tip for new sales professionals to close more sales

What has parties got to do with closing sales? My husband and I love to entertain and take it as an opportunity to catch up with friends we don’t get to meet often enough.  Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting someone we haven’t met in a few years (Let’s call him Al).  The last time we saw Al, he was just starting on his new career in selling luxury-brand cars.  Continue reading

How to be a better communicator (Technical Professionals Edition)

(Continuing the communications series for technical professionals. Read the first article here.)

Good writing skills do not come naturally to most people.  First, we need to learn how to write well; then we put the skills to practice, intentionally.  Tech professionals have an advantage when it comes to understanding technical explanations. We just need to take the extra effort to communicate the same information clearly and effectively to others.
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5 tips on how to become a good public speaker

Many people would like to be a good public speaker. People say that public speaking is like having a conversation except with more than one person. There’s some truth in that. It does not matter how many people are in the audience. What matters most is how much they remembered from your presentation.

According to Cindy Fisher Crawford in her article on,  there are 5 top elements you can pay attention to. It touches on how you can connect to make it conversational, as well as the energy level and using the appropriate pace.

5 Steps to Becoming a Better Public Speaker

Hope this helps you. Which one do you need to improve on?  Put a comment here.


(Image by Hugo Ataide, licensed under CC0)